2020-08-11 Version: 1.0.23
- Add features for open api.

2020-07-06 Version: 1.0.20
- Add new API for CCC.

2019-09-05 Version: 1.0.19
- Generated 2017-07-05 for `CCC`.

2019-01-16 Version: 1.0.12
1, Add new interface.

2018-08-29 Version: 1.0.9
1, Add new interface.

2018-08-14 Version: 1.0.8
1, Change parameter name of Dialogue

2018-08-01 Version: 1.0.7
1, Add new SPI GetConversationDetailByContactId

2018-07-10 Version: 1.0.7
1, Add new open API for outbound call service, etc.

2018-06-06 Version: 1.0.6
1, Add new open API for report and back 2 back call

2018-04-24 Version: 1.0.5
1, To support bearer token 

2018-04-18 Version: 1.0.4
1, Add new open API, GetNumberRegionInfo, etc

2018-02-27 Version: 1.0.2
1, Add new API: ListRecordingsByContactId.

2017-12-29 Version: 1.0.1
1, This is an example of release-log.
2, Please strictly follow this format to edit in English.
3, Format:Number + , + Space + Description

2017-12-18 Version: 1.0.0
1, This is the first release of CCC Open API.